
Showing posts from January, 2022

Writing a story "Springtime"

Bismillah Bran dan Nayst saat ini sudah mampu untuk menulis dalam bahasa sederhana dan menggunakan ejaan (spelling) versi mereka.  Biasanya mereka suka menggambar di kertas bekas atau bekas baru, lalu dilanjutkan dengan menulis caption sesuai gambar yang dibuat.  Awalnya, saya pikir boros kertas banget ya!  Tapi pada akhirnya, ini adalah proses belajar yang membuat mereka jadi lebih bisa kreatif. Mulailah browsing terkait proses menulis anak, dan menemukan printable yang didalamnya hanya berisi gambar, sedangkan anak nantinya bisa mewarnai gambar tersebut.  Sebenarnya ada pilihan kalimat yang bisa digunting lalu ditempel sesuai dengan gambar, namun saya memilih tuk membebaskan mereka menulis dengan beberapa ide dan masukan dari saya. Itu cover depan dari buku cerita yang dibuat oleh Bran, berjudul springtime. Nah ini dia salah satu isi dari buku cerita tersebut.  Saking excitednya, dia beberapa kali meminta saya untuk membacakan dan dia tersenyum riang melihat karyanya dibaca.

Belief in the Holybooks

Bismillah, Listening to prophets' stories is always fun.  Children request many times to tell the stories about prophets.  I use a story book titled "Kisah Shahih Para Nabi dan Rasul" written by Abunnada. I start to make a morning reading where children can pick their own favorite books or they can ask me to read the stories.  The same like what we did today, prophets' stories were chosen.  Prophet Isa alaihissalam became our topic discussion.  Actually, when I read the stories, I also ask questions to check their understanding.  Thus, it seems like a discussion room for us. Spontaneously, I also discuss about four holy books revealed to some prophets, including Prophet Isa alaihissalam.  Using whiteboard, I wrote name of prophets in the right and the books in the left.  It's simple checking idea as children match between the prophet and his holy book. Instead of using marker to draw the lines, children used buttons.  It gave more variation in the learning, so the

Crafting: Part of a flower

Bismillah, Learning science sounds difficult and complicated, but let's make it exciting by doing some craft activities.  Nays (4.5 years old) likes to pick some flowers and leaves while strolling around our house.  As science also discusses about plants, then I started introduce the parts of flower to her. She did worksheet from .  The worksheet is labelling parts of a flower by unscrambling the letters.  As she is able to read, then it is not hard to arrange the letter with less intervention.  She also made a flower craft from papers and use a straw as the stem. She continued making a flower craft from colorful paper which consists of all parts of a flower. Alhamdulilah!

Shape Matching Activity

Bismillah, Auf is in the stage of naming many objects around him.   He has vast improvement in linguistic skills where he can construct sentences quite well and pronoun them clearly.  I think, it is the best moment to boost his vocabulary by introducing various words that he has not known yet.  The same like what I did to his other siblings, young learners are introduced with basic information, such as: number, letters, shapes, math concept and others. Using materials that are available at home, then I created two pieces puzzle of shapes, made from card board and colorful paper.  I draw basic shapes then stick into the board.  To make into puzzle, just cut the middle part of each board.  Finally, the puzzles are ready to use. Auf found himself enjoying the matching puzzle activity as this is new for him.  He also can name several shapes such as circle, square, while the others with repetition. Beside playing with puzzles, I also make a poster of shapes from colorful paper.  Here is the